*** July 11-12, 2011 ***

"When me and William got to Grandpa Wayne's apartment we just watched T.V. because
we were tired from playing all day at Assiniboine Park with Grandpa and our Mom and our Auntie Leah."

("Click here if you would like to see pictures of us having fun at Assiniboine Park.")

"After we had supper, we walked to McDonald's to play in the climbing structure and to have a sundae."

"When we got back to Grandpa Wayne's apartment we played and watched T.V."

"Then Grandpa Wayne told me his version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears before I went to bed.
About half an hour later Grandpa Wayne read parts of a Star Wars storybook to William before putting him to bed."

"In the morning me and William played, watched T.V. and had
watermelon and Raisin Bran for breakfast before getting ready to go home."

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