"On Thursday, April 25th, James and Kain had a sleepover at Dad's apartment
because there was no school in RETSD the next day. That night the boys mostly
played video games and chess while sometimes watching T.V. before going to bed.
The next morning they did pretty much the same until they went with Dad to meet
their Auntie Leah and cousin Allie...and also their Grand-Auntie Dorothy and her
daycare kids...at Roxy Park. They climbed on the playstructure and swung on the
swings...and then later played the 'Red Rover' game...before having a picnic lunch.
After lunch, James, Kain and Dad went to Costco to buy some groceries. When they
finished shopping, James and Kain shared a chicken fingers and fries supper before
returning to Dad's apartment. They then rode their bikes to McDonald's to have an
ice-cream cone. They biked back to Dad's apartment to pack...and then went home."
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