*** November 6-7, 2021 ***

"Many of the Grundmann family members got together on the November 5-7 weekend
for their annual pre-Christmas shopping excursion, so Dad had Allie, James, Kain and Keona
for a sleepover on Saturday, the 6th. He also invited Jeremiah, Gage and Kash to come by that
evening...and around 7:15 pm all 8 of them went down to the apartment building's indoor pool
for an hour of swimming fun. Jeremiah, Gage and Kash went home shortly after all were done
swimming...and Allie, James, Kain and Keona then enjoyed a variety of candies, refreshments
and popcorn while playing on their devices and watching cartoons on TV before going to bed."

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"When the four kids got up the next morning, they played 'quietly' for about an hour
before Dad got up. The kids had breakfast...then they played on their devices and/or
chess for awhile before watching Abominable. When the movie was over, Dad and the
kids made teams and played UNO. Allie and Keona were on Dad's team..and Kain and
James made up the other team. When Dad's team finished beating Kain and James, the
kids then had lunch. After lunch, Dad took them to Tim Horton's to get a box of Timbits.
Then they went to play on the stuctures in the park on Headmaster Row nearby. The kids
had lots of fun at the park for over an hour, then they all went back to Tim Horton's to use
the washrooms before returning to Dad's apartment. The four kids packed their belongings
before getting picked up by their parents around 4:30 pm...then Dad went for a 2-hour nap!"

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