*** October 12-13, 2019 ***
"This was the first time that Keona and Allie had a sleepover at their Grandpa Wayne's apartment
by themselves! Allie arrived first, around 5:00 pm, and she immediately tried opening the Hatchimals
that Leah had bought for the two girls. She couldn't open any, and neither could her Grandpa Wayne,
although he suggested using a hammer, then laughed alot! When Keona arrived about 15 minutes later,
she started banging some of the Hatchimals on Grandpa's dining room table...and they finally opened!"
"After the girls played with their Hatchimals for awhile, they
colored in a sticker book until it was time for them to go to bed."
"In the morning Keona and Allie played with their stuffies and also colored their Hatchimals with markers.
Before they changed to their regular clothes, they shared a chocolate that they found in their Grandpa's brown candy box."
"Keona and Allie then played games on Allie's device before having breakfast.
While eating their cheese, crackers and noodles, they watched the movie Ice Age!"
"After breakfast, they built some structures with Mega Bloks...then they rearranged the bedding
so they could pretend that their stuffies were having a 'sleepover'! When their Grandpa told them to tidy
up because their parents were on their way to get them, they did...and he was shocked with their effort!"