"On July 18th my Mom had to show a few houses for her real estate business,
so Grandpa Wayne came over at 3:00 pm to 'hang out' with me. I played on my
iPad for a few minutes while Grandpa sat on the deck drinking coffee and having
a cigarette, then we went for a short walk to 7-Eleven so I could get a Slurpee and
a candy treat. Then we went to McIvor Mall so Grandpa could buy a loaf of bread.
There I played with some cute fish flies before we went to Grandpa's apartment."
"At Grandpa's apartment I watched cartoons for awhile..."
"...then we took two buses to go to Kildonan Place! It was my first time on a city bus!"
"When we arrived at Kildonan Place, we sat outside for a few minutes
so I could have some snacks that Grandpa packed for me...and watch
the buses that went in and out of the bus terminal...there were so many!"
"Then, as we walked toward the closest mall entrance, I stopped to say 'hello' to
a bird that was singing to me! Click HERE to watch/hear the bird singing to me."
"Inside Kildonan Place, I bought a small toy and then went for a spin on one of the rides there. Then we
bought some Chinese food, half of which I ate outside while we were waiting for my Mom to pick us up...lol!"
"I also spent a few hours with Grandpa Wayne at his apartment the next afternoon
because my Mom had more houses to show. I just played on my iPad or watched
cartoons while eating some noodles that he made just for me before I went home."