*** November 6-7, 2021 ***

"Because our Mom and Dad were doing some pre-Christmas shopping with a few
Grundmann family members, me and Kain had a sleepover at Grandpa Wayne's
apartment with cousins Allie and James! Uncle Jeremiah and cousins Gage and
Kash also came over about an hour after we arrived to join us for a swim in the
apartment building's indoor pool. Not long after we finished having lots of fun in
the pool for about an hour, Uncle Jeremiah, Gage and Kash went home...and me,
Kain, Allie and James had a variety of candies and lots and lots of popcorn as we
played on our devices or watched TV before going to sleep just around 9:45 pm."

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"When me, Kain and our cousins got up the next morning, we played 'quietly' for about an hour
before Grandpa got up. We had breakfast, then played on our devices and chess for awhile, then
we watched Abominable. When the movie was over, we made up teams and played UNO. Me and
Allie were on Grandpa's team..and Kain and James made up the other team. When our team beat
Kain and James, we had lunch and then went to get some Timbits at Tim Horton's. We then went
to play on the different stuctures in the park on Headmaster Row which was close to Tim Horton's.
We had lots of fun at the park for about an hour, then drove back to Tim Horton's to use the wash-
rooms before returning to Grandpa's apartment to get picked up by our parents around 4:30 pm."

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