Della Rose Antoniuk/Kupchuk
(nee Panchuk)

~~~   March 22, 1932 - July 10, 2020   ~~~

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"Here are a few words that Leah shared at the gravesite service on behalf of our family."

We all have our own memories of Della: some good, some bad, some very old and some new.
And despite all the bad ones, we all know the good memories will always remain in our hearts.
We all can remember how her face scrunched up when she smiled; the sound of her laugh; her
smile; her cute little voice; her perfectly coordinated outfits completed with an adorable hat.

When we were young we used to love going to her little house with the skinny stairs and the big
old velvet painting and hanging lamps. We used to all line up for back scratches or hair brushes or
tasting her dumplings...she was a fun and loving Grandma. We all know that she loved us very much.

We all learned so much from her, whether it be from how to cook the best Ukrainian food in
town, or how to truly be the best recycler (using old milk cartons as freezing containers). She took
me into a gas station bathroom once at a very young age and taught me how to put toilet paper on
the seat to protect yourself. I still do this!!! Or even how to get things off the top shelf with tongs.

But the most important lesson we learned is that life is too short. Even
though we all thought Grandma would live forever, she proved us wrong.

We would not be here if it weren't for Della, and I have every day to thank her for giving us
this beautiful family. And now in her lack of presence we will learn to appreciate the time she had
with us and we will also, even more than ever, appreciate our time we have together as a family.

I believe she is right here with us, but she is free of all her hurt and pain.
She is an angel among us now. Till we see you again Grandma. And as she would say, 'bye for now'.

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