"After Grandpa Wayne picked up me and Charlie at our bus stop after school,
we relaxed until suppertime...then Grandpa took us to Gateway Arena for our hockey practices."
"After our hockey practices we played and watched T.V. before going to bed."
"In the morning we went swimming in the apartment block pool after breakfast, then we
played on our Tablets...then after lunch Grandpa took us to see the movie, Dolphin Tale 2."
"That night Grandpa Wayne made us a pork chop supper,
then we played games and watched T.V. before going to bed."
"The next day we watched T.V. and played before having lunch, then
Grandpa took us to play on one of our favorite playstructures."
"Later we made a stop at Tim Horton's for some refreshments before going to my hockey practice.
After the practice we came back to Grandpa's apartment and watched videos until our Mom and Dad picked us up."